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Employment Opportunities

Dr. Travis Roundcount, Superintendent of Schools
1595 West Main Street
Mt. Zion, Illinois 62549
Phone: (217) 864-2366 

The filling of certified and non-certified positions is coordinated and recommended to the Board of Education by the Superintendent of Schools.  The appropriate administrator screens, interviews, and recommends for hire all staff for his/her building.  Final interviews for recommended certified staff are conducted by the Superintendent’s office. 

For an applicant to be eligible for an interview, an electronic application must be on file in the District Office of Mt. Zion School District. An application is available online by clicking the link below, or you can visit the Mt. Zion C.U.S.D. #3 District Office to complete the application. 

Click here for the Mt. Zion CUSD #3 Job Application Form 

Bus Drivers Apply Here

How to Become a Substitute Teacher in Mt. Zion


Sub Teachers


Certified Vacancies

Non-Certified Vacancies

Coaching and Co-Curricular Vacancies

Mt. Zion School District vacancies are posted as they become available. 

To apply for a certified vacancy, please follow these steps:

1.  Complete an online application by clicking here, and    

2.  Email the following additional required items to:

  • Letter of Interest,
  • Current Resume with References.
  • Three Letters of Reference,
  • Copy of Appropriate Certificate/ELIS Certification,
  • Copy of Administrative/Teaching Certificate (indicating qualifications to be a teacher/administrator in the State of Illinois), and
  • Copy of Official College Transcripts  

All application materials will be forwarded to the appropriate hiring administrator and, if you are selected for an interview, they will call you.   

To apply for a non-certified vacancy (secretaries, custodians, food service, etc), please follow these steps:

1.  Complete an online application by clicking here, and    

2.  Email the following additional required items to:

  • Letter of Interest and
  • Current Resume with References

All application materials will be forwarded to the appropriate hiring administrator and, if you are selected for an interview, they will call you.   

Mt. Zion Community Unit School District #3 is an Equal Opportunity Employer.