Residency Requirements
Mt. Zion School District # 3
1595 W. Main Street
Mt. Zion, IL 62549
In accordance with the Illinois School Code, permanent records must indicate that the parent/legal guardian resides within the boundaries of this school district.
1. Present a certified birth certificate for the student.
2. Verification of legal guardianship.
3. Present proof of residency within the District by providing the required number of documents from each of the following categories within thirty (30) days of the student’s enrollment date:
Category 1 (One document required)
Most recent property tax bill and proof of payment, e.g., canceled check or Form 1098 (homeowners)
Mortgage papers (homeowners)
Signed and dated lease and proof of last month’s payment, e.g., canceled check or receipts (renters)
Letter from manager and proof of last month’s payment, e.g., canceled check or receipts (mobile home resident)
Letter of residence from landlord in lieu of lease (See Building Principal)
Category II (Two documents showing proper address are required)
Driver’s license Vehicle registration Voter registration
Most recent cable television and/or credit card bill
Current public aid card
Current homeowner/renters insurance policy and premium payment receipt
Most recent gas, electric, and/or water bill.
Military Personnel Enrolling a Student for the First Time in the District. (Must provide one of the following within 60 days after the date of student’s initial enrollment)
Postmarked mail addressed to military personnel
Lease agreement for occupancy
Proof of ownership of residence.