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Jeanne Luckenbill
Alex Smith
Nicole Wilson
Mt. Zion District Nurse

Nursing Services in the Mt. Zion School District's School Health Services program is coordinated by Jeanne Luckenbill, RN, Certified School Nurse. 


The nurses have a variety of responsibilities including first-aid and emergency care, daily medication administration, vision and hearing screenings, coordinating various clinics, providing medical information and expertise for IEP’s and writing care plans and offering information and guidance regarding student and employee health concerns.  Health records must be up to date and the nurses check to see that immunizations are current and medical, eye and dental exams are completed on the students who are in a grade that require these. They also monitor for contagious diseases and report their findings to the Macon County Health Department.  Please inform the nurse at your child’s school if there are changes in their health status or are diagnosed with any contagious disease.  The nurses can also assist with health care referrals for your child, you, or the entire family.

Per district policy, no student should be at school with an oral temperature of 100 degrees or higher.   Students must be fever free for 24, without the use of medication to reduce fever, before returning to school. 

Frequent and thorough hand washing is a must both at home and at school.  Students who are experiencing nausea, sore throat, headache accompanied by fever or other distresses should stay home until improved.  Talk to your student about the 3 C’s: 

Clean – wash your hands frequently to prevent the spread of germs.

Cover – your cough and sneeze with a tissue or sleeve, not your hand.

Contain – contain your germs.  Stay home if you are sick.

Medical Information
School Physicals

All students entering Preschool, Kindergarten, Sixth, and Ninth grade must submit a completed physical to the school by October 15; or within 30 days of entrance if entering at anytime other than the first day of school. Any student who does not submit proof of having a physical and complete immunization record will be excluded. The physical forms are available at your school office, this is the only form that can be accepted by the school.  The state requires that the following is completed:

  • Parent must fill out and sign the health history portion
  • All physical measurements must be recorded by health care provider: this includes the HT, WT, Blood pressure, and BMI (Body Mass Index).
  • Students in Kindergarten and Preschool must have the lead questionnaire completed as well
  • Students in Kindergarten and students new from out of state must have a vision exam by October 15.
  • Dental exams are required for grades Kindergarten, Second and Sixth, must be submitted by May 15.

The physical form is acceptable as a sports physical.  However, a sports physical is not acceptable in lieu of the physical form.  If any component of the physical is incomplete, the physical will be returned with an explanation of what is needed.  The physical is not considered submitted until all requirements are met.


The school nursing staff, principal, and secretary may administer medications only with specific directions from a physician. Faxes from physicians on the completed Medication Authorization Form will be accepted.

Medication will be administered under the guidelines outlined under School Board Policy 720.14. A copy of this policy and medication form are contained herein.


Contact the Illinois State Board of Education to obtain a school immunization report.